Training for data professionals

In the fall of 2024, we are starting training for people who will perform the role of data administrators or related profiles (e.g. data archivists, data librarians, data managers and data consultants) at their parent organizations. It will take place in three parts, which will comprise a total of 12 days of 6 school hours, namely 4 days each in September, October and November. Participation is free, but for external stakeholders it is only possible online.

2nd national event

● How to organize a support network of data experts in a research organization?
● How is research data from public research organizations relevant to industry?
● How to manage copyright on research data?

We will talk about this at the 2nd national event of the GET TO KNOW project.

OZ policies in Slovenia

Slovenia has officially integrated open science into its national legal framework governing research activities (Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act, Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research in Accordance with the Principles of Open Science). Moreover, an open science ecosystem is being established through initiatives outlined in the Action Plan for Open Science, which is an implementation tool for Chapter 6 of the Resolution on Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2030 (ReZrIS30).

Regulation on OZ

On 25 May 2023, Slovenia adopted the Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research in Accordance with the Principles of Open Science. The Regulation is a statutory instrument of the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act (ZZrID), which specifies in more detail the requirements and introduction of open access to research results, the involvement of the interested public in scientific research work, the evaluation of research work following the principles of open science, and the national infrastructure of open science.

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The project aims to integrate the principles of open science into scientific research practices and to align the operations of twenty public research organizations and CTK with these principles.

Open science offers numerous advantages, including easier access to research results, enhanced research transparency, improved collaboration among researchers and institutions, and heightened trust in science.

Total budget
.0.66 EUR
EU funds
.0.81 EUR

M.Sc. Aleš Verčič

"Last year, Slovenia reached 15th place according to the European Commission's questionnaire on readiness to open data, and according to the OECD indicator, it took 7th place. We can consider this a tremendous success."

M.Sc. Aleš Verčič, certified data administrator

dr. Liisa Lehtsal

"The development and implementation of research data management requires time and often a culture change in the organization."

dr. Liise Lehtsalu, Research Data Alliance

dr. Boštjan Golob

"Openness is at the very core of science, and there is almost no alternative in science to accepting the FAIR principles."

dr. Boštjan Golob, rector of the University of Nova Gorica and vice-president of the Rector's Conference of the Republic of Slovenia

dr. Jerneja Jug Jerša

"Only through the international exchange of knowledge can scientific research activities reach their full potential."

dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše, head of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia

dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh

"At the Ministry of Digital Transformation, we support open science and are aware of its importance. But we also know how much digitization can contribute to open science - both in collecting, processing and sharing data."

dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, Minister for Digital Transformation (2022–2024)

dr. Igor Papič

"We must be extremely careful when introducing the principles of open science. The basic concept that we follow both at the national and at the European level is to be open as much as possible, but on the other hand, we are also careful."

dr. Igor Papič, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

M.Sc. Miro Pušnik

"Open science is collaborative science. We must not allow ourselves to compete in the field of scientific infrastructure. I also see the SPOZNAJ project as a platform for dialogue - this is where researchers, the research community, financiers and the wider community come into contact."

M.Sc. Miro Pušnik, director of the Central Technical Library of the University of Ljubljana

dr. Tea Romih

"At the Central Technical Library, we believe that the SPOZNAJ project is an exceptional opportunity for Slovenia to thoughtfully and cooperatively implement the best practices of open science in the working procedures and legal acts of project partners, modernize the research culture, and raise awareness of the principles of open science among the wider interested public."

dr. Tea Romih, information specialist for research data and coordinator of the SPOZNAJ project

dr. Paul Ayris 2

"Open access principles have completely changed the way monographic publications are published. We've published 250 books that have had 7 million online downloads from every country and area in the world – including Antarctica and the Vatican.”

dr. Paul Ayris, Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Libraries, Culture, Collections and Open Science at University College London

dr. Gregor Majdič

"I myself am a supporter of open science. However, there are still many open questions in this area, and we still have many challenges ahead of us. I think the SPOZNAJ project will help us solve at least some of these challenges."

Prof. dr. Gregor Majdič, rector of the University of Ljubljana and president of the Rectors' Conference

Dr. Marta Teperek

"When we talk about open science, we are talking about open access to publications, open data, open software. I believe that open hardware is also an important part of open science. So how can technology - physical products and the way they are made - be freely available to the community."

dr. Marta Teperek, program manager for FAIR data in the Open Science Netherlands team

dr. Jan Wopking

“Many leading research institutions are very much in favor of open science. If you do not work according to the principles of open science, if you are not in favor of these principles and if you do not strive for greater openness in science, I think this can significantly affect relations with the leading research institutions in the world - or at least in Europe and the United States."

dr. Jan Wöpking is the CEO of German U15, a coalition of fifteen leading research-oriented universities in Germany

dr. Paul Ayris 1

“The research shows that if everyone involved in research was willing to share the results of their research, it would lead to huge savings. If research data were freely available, there would be no need to repeat research and obtain results again, which would mean multi-million dollar savings across Europe. The projection therefore shows that the full adoption of the principles of open data and open science in research would bring great savings."

dr. Paul Ayris, Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Libraries, Culture, Collections and Open Science at University College London




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