Coalitions and initiatives (cOAlition S, Coalition CoARA)

Open science is gaining global traction through collaborative efforts involving research organizations and funding bodies. Notably, initiatives like cOAlition S and the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) have exerted significant influence in recent years.

cOAlition S, an initiative led by the European research funders association Science Europe, has evolved into an international endeavor. Its mandate for immediate open access to peer-reviewed publications stemming from co-funded research has been incorporated into the open science regulations within the European Research Area and has also influenced provisions in the United States (Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House). The Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) is also a member of cOAlition S.

The CoARA coalition was created at the initiative of the European Commission to reform research assessment practices. The members of the CoARA coalition from Slovenia are ARIS, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor, the University of Novo mesto, the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Institute for Contemporary History, the Educational Research Institute and the Young Academy of Slovenia.

The Slovenian research funding body and public research organizations are active in various international initiatives: