Consultation on copyright aspects of research results

15. 1. 2025

The University of Ljubljana and the ZRC SAZU are organizing an event entitled Consultation on copyright aspects of research results, which will take place on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 10:00 to 15:00 at Atrium of the ZRC SAZUThe event will be available to watch both live and remotely. For live viewing please log in via Ticket Tailor platforms, for remote viewing but through the Zoom platform. There are 80 seats available for live viewing, and there is no limit to the number of seats for remote viewing. The event will be recorded, and the recording will be available for replay on Arnes Video channel of the SPOSNAJ project. The event will be held only in Slovenian, without translation.

Lokacija Atrija ZRC SAZU (Google Maps)
The management of copyright on research results in accordance with the principles of open science in Slovenia is stipulated in Article 41 of the Scientific Research and Innovation Act and in Articles 6 and 7 of the Open Science Regulation. Researchers and doctoral students must implement the legal provisions in an appropriate manner, and data experts and other support staff must advise them properly.

The consultation, with short presentations and answers to questions raised in advance or at the consultation, aims to shed light on the implementation aspects of the provisions on the management of copyright in research results. The target participants are researchers, doctoral students and their mentors, data experts, librarians, publishing activities at the SPOSNAJ project partners, funders, policy makers and other interested parties.

The event guests will be: Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič and Matija Suklje.

Outline program:

ClockContent of the presentation/panel with consultation participantsLecturer
10:00Opening remarks
10:15-10:45Publications – presentation:
– Article 6 of the Open Science Regulation (management of copyright in scientific publications)
– the right to secondary publication in the proposed amendments to the Scientific Research and Innovation Act
Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič
10:45-11:30Publications – panel with consultation participants:
– questions from researchers and publishing partners of the SPOSNAJ project, given in advance
– questions at the consultation (Atrium, Zoom)
Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič
12:00-12:30Research data – presentation:
– Article 7 of the Open Science Regulation (management of copyright on research data and other research results)
Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič
12:30-13:15Research data – panel with consultation participants:
– questions from researchers and publishing partners of the SPOSNAJ project, given in advance
– questions at the consultation (Atrium, Zoom)
Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič
13:45-14:45Research software – presentation and panel with consultation participants:
– questions from researchers of the SPOSNAJ project partners, given in advance
– questions at the consultation (Atrium, Zoom)
Matija Suklje
14:45-15:00Conclusion of the consultation