Category: Events

27 posts

Licensing and Copyright in Open Science

Predavateljica: viš. pred. Martina Kovačič (Univerza na Primorskem) Vsebina: Predavanje bo osvetlilo ključni pomen uporabe ustreznih licenc, kot so Creative Commons, za omogočanje odprtega dostopa do znanstvenih del, hkrati pa […]

Odprto založništvo v Republiki Sloveniji

Open publishing in the Republic of Slovenia

Lecturer: Assoc. prof. dr. Jonatan Vinkler (University Library of the University of Primorska) On Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., we invite you to the UP University Library (Trubarjeva 1, Koper) for a lecture [...]

OpenAIRE Graph

Lecturer: dr. Stefania Amodeo (OpenAIRE) Content: The OpenAIRE Graph is one of the largest and most diverse collections of metadata about research outputs (e.g. articles, databases, software), other research entities (e.g. projects, […]

Analysis by Pexels from Pixabay

Electronic laboratory logs

Lecturer: dr. Matjaž Hren (SciNote, LLC) and dr. Luka Suhadolnik (Quipnex doo) Content: We will look at two electronic laboratory diaries, which are the result of the work of Slovenian researchers, namely [...]

AI generated by BrianPenny from Pixabay

Repositories for research data

Lecturer: prof. dr. Milan Ojsteršek (FERI UM) and M.Sc. Janez Brezovnik (FERI UM) Content: Most funders require that researchers publish research data, which are the results of publicly funded research, in [...]