The Use of Electronic Laboratory Notebooks - An Example of a Tool Benchling

Lecturer: dr. Karen Butina Ogorelec (UP IAM and InnoRenew CoE)
Content: The lecture will be focused on a practical overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN). We will discuss why using ELN makes sense for individuals, research groups and institutions, and what challenges we may face in the implementation. We will briefly present some of the currently available providers of such software and their key advantages and disadvantages We will pay special attention to the Benchling tool, which we will take a closer look at. A practical example of entering an experiment in this tool will be presented. There will be time for questions and discussion after the lecture.
Please pre-register for the event via the following link:
This is the fifth event in the OSUP series – Open Science at the University of Primorska. More information about the event can be found at the LINK >>