Basic principles of citizen science and project funding options

Team by Tumisu from Pixabay

Lecturers:  Alina Schwarz (Center for Citizen Science, Vienna), Dr. Daniel Dörler (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), Mag. Miro Pušnik (CTK) and Mitja Vovk Iskrić (CTK).

Content: In the first part of the presentation, you will learn about some of the basic principles of citizen science and funding opportunities in the European Research Area and in Slovenia. Examples of funding for citizen science projects within the Horizon Europe program and within the ARIS public call for proposals for co-financing citizen science activities will be presented. In the second part, the speakers will present the funding for citizen science projects within the Sparkling 2.0 project in Austria. In the last part of the presentation, we will hold a panel discussion on the methods and possibilities of funding citizen research, where you will be able to ask the guests questions.

The presentation will be held in Slovenian and English.

Please pre-register for the event via the following link:

  • Datum: 13.02.2025
  • Kdaj: 10:30 - 12:00 (Europe/Ljubljana)
  • Lokacija: through the Zoom app


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