Cooperation between Scientists and Amateur Researchers: Acquired Knowledge and Experience
Lecturer: prof. dr. Elena Bužan (University of Primorska)
Content: The lecture will present the activities and results of the international project StepChange (Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch). The project involved five citizen science initiatives in Europe and Africa in the areas of health (obesity and cardiovascular diseases; infectious diseases, including COVID-19), rational energy use, and wildlife protection and monitoring. They collaborated to examine the interplay between science and society and the capabilities of scientific research that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. Application SRNA (Spremljanje in Raziskovanje Narave z Aplikacijo) will also be presented, which was developed by Slovenian researchers as part of the project. It is intended for everyone who wants to actively participate in discovering and preserving nature. It allows users to record wildlife sightings and test their species identification skills through a fun quiz that is part of the application. Researchers regularly publish interesting observations submitted by users and communicate with them through the application.
Please pre-register for the event via the following link:
It is the fourth lecture in the OSUP series - Open Science at the University of Primorska. More information about the event can be found at the LINK >>