PALOMERA project and Slovenian scientific monographs


Lecturer: Aleš Pogačnik, M.A. (ZRC SAZU)  

Content: The PALOMERA project tackled a less discussed topic of open science: scientific monographs. The project participants reviewed open access policies for scientific monographs in different European countries. The Slovenian partner of the project was the ZRC SAZU, which was also able to prepare a quantitative analysis using data from Cobiss. The lecture will present some of the results and recommendations of the PALOMERA project and describe the status and challenges for Slovenian publications in scientific monographs in the transition to open science.

Please pre-register for the event via the following link:

  • Datum: 20.03.2025
  • Kdaj: 10:30 - 12:00 (Europe/Ljubljana)
  • Lokacija: through the Zoom app


Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani (Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana)

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